Rights and Responsibilities
- Delaware County Community College Academic Guarantee
- Delaware County Community College Policy on Student Confidentiality
- Notice of Publication of Campus Crime Statistics and Graduation Rates
- Refund to Federal Programs When the Student Withdraws
- Breathe Easy
Delaware County Community College Academic Guarantee
Delaware County Community College believes that its instructional programs meet the needs of both graduates and employers by providing appropriate job entry skills and the competency levels required to transfer to baccalaureate institutions.
To assure this level of performance, the College allows our graduates the opportunity to enroll for up to fifteen (15) additional credit hours of coursework without tuition charge if their skills or competencies do not meet stated expectations of employers or transfer baccalaureate institutions. This guarantee applies to graduates earning their degree on or after May 2001. Time constraints apply for both when retraining commences and is completed, and is limited to coursework regularly offered by Delaware County Community College for which the student earned a minimum grade of C.
A copy of the academic guarantee, along with appropriate documents required for retraining, is available from the Office of Academic and Student Affairs.
Delaware County Community College Policy on Student Confidentiality
Notification of Rights under FERPA
The College notifies students of their rights under FERPA through the Delaware County Community College Catalog, the Delaware County Community College Student Handbook and communications to new students from the Vice President for Student Affairs. FERPA information is also on the College’s website: https://www.dccc.edu/ferpa.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
As outlined in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a student has the right to have his or her educational records remain confidential. FERPA affords students certain rights with respect to their educational records. They are:
- The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the College receives request for access. Students must submit to the Student Records Office a written request specifying the record(s) they want to inspect. The Registrar will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place to inspect the record. If the Student Records Office does not maintain the records the student requested, the Registrar will advise the student of the correct official to contact.
- The right to request the amendment of education records that students believe are inaccurate. Students may ask the College to amend a record they believe is inaccurate or misleading. They should write to the College official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed and specify why it is inaccurate. FERPA was not intended to provide a process to question substantive judgments, which are properly recorded. The rights of challenge do not apply, for example, to an argument that a student deserved a higher grade in a course if the grade recorded is the grade submitted by the faculty member. See the Student Handbook for policies applying to grade appeals. If the College decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, the College will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of his or her right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Students who wish to appeal the decision should direct their request for an appeal to the Office of the Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management. The College will provide the student with specific information regarding the hearing procedures upon the receipt of a request for a hearing.
- The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in a student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception that permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the College in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom the College has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, collection agent, insurance agent, or official of the National Student Loan Clearing House); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.
The College may disclose education records without consent in certain other circumstances:
- to comply with a court order or certain types of subpoenas
- to appropriate parties in a health or safety emergency
- to officials of another school, upon written request, in which a student seeks or intends to enroll
- in connection with a student’s request for or receipt of financial aid, as necessary, to determine the eligibility, amount or conditions of the financial aid, or to enforce the terms and conditions of the aid
- to certain officials of the U.S. Department of Education, the Comptroller general, to state and local educational authorities, in connection with certain state or federally supported programs
- to accrediting organizations to carry out their functions
- to organizations conducting studies for or on behalf of the College
- the results of an institutional disciplinary proceeding against the alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence may be released to the alleged victim of that crime with respect to that crime
- The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures of the College to comply with the requirements of FERPA. Contact the office that administers FERPA at:
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Ave. SW
Washington DC, 20202-4605
- The College designates the following as public or Directory Information that may be released without a student’s written consent, unless the student specifies to the contrary as described below:
- student name, address, phone number and email address
- major field of study and degree sought or completed
- dates of attendance
- degrees and awards received
- expected date of completion of degree requirements and graduation
- full or part time enrollment status and classification (freshman or sophomore)
- most recent previous education agency or institution attended
- participation in officially recognized activities and sports
- height and weight of athletic team members
- date of birth
- Delaware County Community College will release only the following directory information to telephonic requests: student name, degree sought or completed, expected dates of completion of degree requirements or graduation and enrollment status.
- Students may restrict the release of Directory Information, except to school officials with legitimate educational interest and those listed in #3 above. A student must make the request in writing at the Student Records Office within two weeks of the beginning of the semester. Requests are valid for one year from the date of submission. Students must understand that withholding directory information prevents the College from verifying attendance or graduation to potential employers, publishing the student’s name in a graduation program or dean’s list and makes athletes ineligible to participate in any activity requiring publication of a team roster.
For purposes of compliance with FERPA, the College considers all students independent.
Notice of Publication of Campus Crime Statistics and Graduation Rates
As required by the College and University Security Information Act, security information and campus crime statistics are published every year. They are also available from the Security Office.
In addition, as required by Student Right to Know legislation, graduation and transfer rates are available on the College’s website.
Refund to Federal Programs When the Student Withdraws
The Higher Education Amendments of 1998, Public Law 105-244 creates a formula to determine the amount of Federal Student Financial Aid (FSA) Funds a student has earned when he or she completely ceases attendance without finishing the payment period (semester or summer term) for which the funds were awarded. Federal funds are: the Federal Pell Grant, Federal SEOG Program, Federal Work/Study Program and the Direct Loan Program. Up through the 60% point in each payment period, this formula (see “amount of federal student assistance earned” below) is used to determine how much federal financial assistance the student has earned at the time of withdrawal. After the 60% point in the payment period, a student is considered to have earned 100% of the federal financial aid program funds.
This schedule applies only to the amount of FSA funds that a student, who withdraws from all courses they enrolled in during any payment period, may keep. The schedule does not apply to how much the College may charge for these courses.
The student’s withdrawal date shall be:
- The date the student began the College’s official withdrawal process, or
- The date the College registrar received official notification from the student of her/his intent to withdraw. This can be in the form of a letter from the student, or another individual with written authorization from the student.
- Or if the student does not follow the College’s official withdrawal process nor provide satisfactory official notification of withdrawal, then the date of withdrawal shall be set as the mid-point of the payment period.
The calculation of amount of federal assistance earned shall be:
- If the student’s withdrawal date is on or before the 60% point of the payment period for which financial assistance was awarded, the percentage of total FSA earned is equal to the percentage of the payment period that was completed. The amount not earned must be returned to the U.S. Department of Education.
- If the day the student’s withdrawal date occurs after the student has completed 60% of the payment period, the percentage earned is 100%.
The calculation of the percentage of the payment period completed shall be:
- Total number of calendar days in the payment period for which the assistance is awarded divided into the number of calendar days completed as of the day the student withdrew.
The calculation to determine who pays the repayment:
- If the student has not received a refund of FSA funds, the College repays the entire amount due.
- If the student has received FSA funds, the College must repay the lesser of:
- The full amount of the unearned funds or
- The total institutional charges multiplied by the “unearned percentage.”
The student pays the remainder.
Order of the return of FSA funds:
- Unsubsidized Direct Loan
- Subsidized Direct Loan
- Federal Pell Grant
- Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant
Post Withdrawal Disbursement
If the total amount of Title IV funds that the student earned is greater than the total amount of Title IV funds that was disbursed to the student, as of the date the institution determined the student withdrew, the difference between these amounts will be treated as a post-withdrawal disbursement.
If a student is eligible for a post-withdrawal disbursement, the Financial Aid Office will award Title IV funds. The post-withdrawal disbursements are to be made from available grant funds before available loan funds. The Financial Aid Office will credit any outstanding account charges with all or a portion of any grant or loan funds that make up the post-withdrawal disbursement. The Financial Aid Office will disburse directly to the student any amount of a post-withdrawal disbursement of grant or loan funds that is not credited to the student’s account, within 45 days after the institution determined that the student withdrew. In the case of Parent PLUS Loan post-withdrawal disbursements, the funds will be disbursed directly to the parent, not the student.
Post-withdrawal disbursements of Title IV loan funds will be disbursed only after obtaining the student’s and/or parent’s confirmation that he/she still wishes to have the loan funds disbursed. The Financial Aid Office complies with this section of the Federal Register by requiring the student and/or parent to provide written confirmation that he/she wishes to have the post-withdrawal loan funds disbursed.
Within 30 days of the date that the institution determined the student withdrew, notification will be sent to the student and/or parent (if eligible for a post-withdrawal disbursement of Title IV loan funds) that requests confirmation; explains the obligation to repay any loan funds he/she chooses to have disbursed; and advises that no post-withdrawal loan disbursement of loan funds will be made if the student and/or parent fails to respond within 14 days of the date that the institution sent the notification.
If the student and/or parent confirms that they wish to receive all or a portion of the post-withdrawal disbursement loan funds, the institution will disburse the funds as requested no later than 180 days after the date of the institution’s determination that the student withdrew.
Breathe Easy
Delaware County Community College has joined numerous other colleges in the region and beyond in an effort to promote health and wellness by going tobacco-free. The policy prohibits the use of any tobacco product (cigarettes, cigars, pipes, snuff, chewing tobacco, etc.), on College owned or leased property. It is intended to eliminate exposure to secondhand smoke and provide an environment supportive of tobacco-free lifestyles. More information and resources are available at: www.dccc.edu/tobacco-free
The College maintains an online Student Handbook, which provides links to academic information and policies, student resources, and other useful information.

If you feel like you have been treated inappropriately by a member of the Delaware County Community College community, below are the points of contact to help address your concern.
Title IX - Sexual and Other Forms of Harassment
Delaware County Community College, its guests, vendors and visitors have the right to educational programs and activities free from the Prohibited Acts. Therefore, the College is committed to providing an institutional environment where all persons may pursue their studies, career, duties and activities in an atmosphere free of threat of sexual violence. Sexual Violence is disruptive and interferes with the expectation that students and employees will learn and work in an environment that is free from discrimination. Conduct that is determined to constitute Sexual Violence is not only a violation of the Policy and reprehensible in any context, but it is also a matter of particular concern in an academic community in which students, faculty, staff, volunteers, and visitors are connected by strong bonds of dependence and trust. As such, all members of the College community are expected to report acts of sexual violence.
DCCC has a zero tolerance for sex/gender-based misconduct. The College will not tolerate sexual violence on its campus, at College-sponsored events, on or off-campus, by any member of the College community (faculty, students, administrators, staff, and volunteers). All members of the College Community are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that does not infringe upon the rights of others. All members of the College Community are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that does not infringe upon the rights of others.
Read the full policy here: Policy 7.17: Sexual Violence in Accordance with Title IX, VAWA and the Campus SaVE Act.
The College maintains a list of Title IX Investigators and their contact information on its website.
Complaints Against Faculty (non-harassment)
Academic Complaints (e.g., grade appeal and concern about an instructor) go to the academic division of the class, not to the academic division of your major.
Grade Appeals Procedures
A student who is dissatisfied with a grade should first discuss the situation with the course instructor. If the student is not satisfied with the instructor’s reason for awarding a certain grade the student may appeal to that instructor’s dean. Grade appeals not resolved with the course instructor must be submitted in writing to the appropriate dean within one year of receiving the grade.
The appropriate dean will examine the facts and make a decision.
Students may appeal the decision of the dean by submitting a written appeal to the Vice President of Academic Affairs (VPAA.) The VPAA will study the facts and make a decision, with notification of the decision. The VPAA’s decision is final.
The following chart summarizes the appeal process:
Grade Appeals Chain
- Instructor / Verbal / Immediate
- Dean / Written / 10 Days
- VPAA / Written / Decision Final
Academic Divisions
Allied Health and Nursing
Office of the Dean
Marple Campus, Room 3193
Business, Computing & Social Science
Office of the Dean
Marple Campus, Room 3306
Communications, Arts & Humanities
Office of the Dean
Marple Campus, Room 4306
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Office of the Dean
Marple Campus, Room 4306
Workforce Development and Community Education Division
Office of the Vice President
Marple Campus, T202 Advanced Technology Center
Complaints Against Staff & Procedures (non-harassment and non-academic)
Delaware County Community College is committed to assisting students with the resolution of issues and concerns in an effort to foster respect across the College and support retention. If you have an issue or concern with a College process or procedure that you are unable to resolve, please complete this form with as much detail as possible. While we cannot guarantee a specific outcome, we can assist you in better navigating what can be a complex system.
Some examples of issues or concerns with which we may be able to assist are customer service, communication disconnects, and procedural issues. Information you provide gives the College the opportunity to improve our processes and procedures when and where warranted.
Director of Student Conduct
Marple Campus, Room 3250
Complaints Against Students (potential violations of the Code of Conduct)
Director of Student Conduct
Marple Campus, Room 3250
Academic Honesty (Policy 2.4)
Academic honesty or integrity requires honest and responsible scholarship. The College regards academic dishonesty or misconduct on the part of students as unacceptable behavior that could result in sanctions up to and including dismissal.
Academic Dishonesty or Misconduct – is any type of cheating which includes, but is not limited to: plagiarism, fabrication, deception, bribery, sabotage, impersonation, and “cribbing” that occurs in relation to any academic exercise.
Plagiarism – unacknowledged borrowing or duplication of another author’s words or ideas whether intentional or not. Examples include but are not limited to:
a. Text without quotation marks or proper documentation
b. With documentation but without quotation marks or correct quotation format
c. In paraphrase without proper documentation
d. Copy files or lend your homework or answers to a graded assignment to another student
e. Copy answers on exams or glance at nearby exams
Fabrication – The falsification of data, information, or citations.
Deception – Providing false information to an instructor concerning a formal academic exercise. Examples include but are not limited to:
a. Giving a false excuse for missing a deadline
b. Falsely claiming to have submitted work
c. Turn in assignments that have been used in other classes
Bribery or paid services – Giving or taking assignment answers or test answers for money. Purchase or sell assignments, papers, or exam materials.
Sabotage – Acting to prevent others from completing their work.
Impersonation – Assuming a student’s identity with intent to provide an advantage for the student. Examples include but are not limited to:
a. Complete work for another student
b. Have another student complete your work
Cribbing – Illegal sources of information used in tests, including but not limited to:
a. Answers in microprint (hidden inside pens, drink bottles, etc.)
b. Answers written on parts of the body that can be hidden
c. Text messages, screen shots, or other forms of technology not permitted during a test
Sanctions – the privilege of withdrawal without academic penalty will be denied to students who cheat or plagiarize.
Every incident of academic dishonesty or misconduct must be reported to the provost by the faculty member. Faculty can access the form to report academic dishonesty by a student under the "Faculty Tab" in delaGATE. It is in the Provost Channel as one of the options listed under "General Forms". Faculty should make their Dean, Assistant Dean, or Site Director aware that they are submitting a form for academic dishonesty. These incidents will be kept in a confidential file by the provost so that a record of the number of infractions per student is available when reports are made. This file will not be generally available for faculty review.
First Violation – The faculty member completes the Academic Dishonesty form and gives the student an “F”/zero on the paper, assignment or examination in question. This action could result in a final grade for the course at least one letter grade lower than it otherwise would have been.
Second Violation – A second infraction in either the same or another course results in an automatic “F” in the course in which the second infraction occurred. The student is barred from further class participation. The dean meets with the student involved and apprises him/her of the consequences.
Third Violation – A third infraction is grounds for dismissal from the College. The student involved must appear for a hearing before the Student Conduct and Discipline Committee. Hearing procedures include the basic elements of due process as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct. The Committee submits recommendations to the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
Review and Appeal
Review and Appeal (for First and Second Infractions) – If the student believes he/she has been unjustly treated or over-penalized an appeal may be requested:
1. The first level of appeal is to the dean in writing.
2. The next level of appeal is to the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
3. Further appeal can be made by submitting a written request for a review of the case to the Student Conduct and Discipline Committee.